302 West 86th Street

302 West 86th Street    New York, NY



302 West 86th Street Owners Corp., c/o AKAM Associates, Inc.

302 West 86 Street is a 12-story multi-family residential building in the Upper West Side, constructed in 1916 and located in the Riverside-West End Historic District. Our involvement focused on exterior repairs, covering investigation, documentation, construction document preparation, bidding, and construction administration.

The project scope included terra cotta replacement and structural steel repair work to address the existing deterioration hidden within masonry. For terra cotta replacement and repair, our process included sound testing existing units, surveying deteriorated ones, determining the scope for pinning, patching, or replacement, remaking units at Gladding McBean in California, managing production challenges, and ensuring compliance with Landmark Preservation Commission requirements.

Structural repair work involved probing existing masonry, reviewing structural steel conditions, identifying sources of leaks, sound testing slabs, surveying deteriorated steel, and determining repair or replacement scopes.