485 Central Park West

485 Central Park West, New York, NY


The restoration project at 485 Central Park West was a comprehensive effort to address a range of issues identified in the FISP report, as well as additional items observed during the preparation of the project documents.

The restoration of the deteriorated areas of the metal cornice, including the re-coating of the entire cornice, was important for preserving the building's exterior and preventing further damage. We replaced damaged terra cotta units in order to maintain the building’s historical character and ensure its longevity.

Localized patching of ornamental limestone and replacement of lintels and sills addresses structural issues and maintains the building’s overall integrity. The masonry replacement and repointing at all building elevations were also essential for preserving the exterior of the building and preventing further deterioration.

We performed concrete and stucco repairs at the ground floor area at the courtyard for both safety and aesthetic reasons. Finally, the localized repairs to the wood window frames will help ensure that the windows continue to function properly and maintain their historical appearance.

While the use of cast stone instead of terra cotta for the replacement units at the street facades due to manufacturing issues was a disappointment, it is important that our team made efforts to maintain consistency in the building’s appearance while addressing necessary repairs.