East Midwood Jewish Center

1625 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

Historic Preservation

East Midwood Jewish Center

The East Midwood Jewish Center, a cherished synagogue and community center, was constructed in 1925 from the brilliant designs of Irving Warshaw and Louis Allen Abramson Architects; the center holds a well-deserved place on the New York State Register of Historic Places. 

During the restoration, special attention was given to the existing stained glass dome. Each section was carefully cleaned, restored, and re-leaded, featuring new stiffening bars to ensure its enduring stability. Once the restoration was complete, the magnificent dome was reinstalled in the main sanctuary, restoring its radiant beauty. 

The monumental hip-roofed skylight, an architectural marvel in itself, received a worthy replication. A newly formed metal skylight was crafted and replaced in kind, preserving the original skylight's brilliance.

Regrettably damaged by a hurricane, one of the center's monumental windows was replicated with a new wood window, ensuring its continuity. The original stained glass from this window was carefully salvaged, and our team meticulously restored and re-leaded it. Now, it adorns the replica frames and sash. Additionally, we carefully restored and reinforced another stained glass window, returning it to its former glory with its original cleaned and re-leaded glass.

This successful restoration was made possible, in part, through a grant from the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation. As a team, we take great pride in preserving this revered cultural landmark's rich heritage and architectural significance.