Joe Central Brooklyn

2 Kingsland Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211


The JOE Brooklyn project is a significant effort to rehabilitate 86 residential buildings in Brooklyn. Given the scale of the project, our team developed details and templates specific to this project to ensure consistency in repair information and details across all buildings.

We engaged with the Department of Buildings early on to determine a filing approach that would better address the fact that there would be numerous filings with similar work, streamlining the process and helping ensure that the project was completed efficiently.

The scope of work for this project was extensive and covered a wide range of areas, both interior and exterior. Some notable exterior work includes roof replacement and recoating, localized masonry replacement and repointing, stoop repairs and rebuilding, parapet rebuilding, lintel replacement, painting of exterior metals, façade coating installation, temporary removal and reinstallation of cornices, repair of some cornice locations, replacement of select entrance doors, and sidewalk paving.

The installation of sub-slab depressurization systems was an important step in addressing potential environmental hazards, and the replacement of boilers and booster pumps helps to ensure the safety and efficiency of the buildings' systems.

The interior work, including modifications for the Department of Housing Preservation and Development's “aging-in-place” program and renovations to hallways, stairs, and common spaces, will improve the living conditions and quality of life for residents.

Overall, the JOE Brooklyn project was an all-hands-on-deck effort to address a range of issues and improve the condition of these residential buildings. Our team’s attention to detail and collaboration with relevant agencies helped ensure a successful outcome.