PS105X Construction Progress

Progress at PS105X has been steadily chugging along! Scroll down to read more about some exciting construction updates…

First off, the backbone of our building is up! PS105X now boasts 337 tons (674,000 lbs) of structural steel. This phase was guided by a detailed sequence of 018 shop drawings and completed over an impressive span of 2.5 weeks thanks to the dedication and hard work of our construction team.

With the steel in place, we’ve moved on to installing the metal decking. This is what will support the concrete floors of the school. It’s a pretty intricate job that involves a lot of precision to make sure everything is secure and ready for the concrete.

Over the next 7 weeks, we’ll be focused on finishing the deck installation, which includes bolting, welding, and other steel work. This phase is crucial as it sets the stage for pouring the concrete slabs that will form the school’s floors.

Special shoutout to Howard who’s been essential in moving this project forward!


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