Plymouth Church

75 Hicks Street, Brooklyn, NY

Historic Preservation

Plymouth Church

Our team was honored to undertake the preservation and restoration of the Plymouth Church campus, a site of great historical significance as the home church of renowned abolitionist preacher Henry Ward Beecher. Plymouth Church has been a vital presence in Brooklyn Heights for over 160 years and was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1961. We approached this project with deep reverence for its historical significance and a commitment to preserving its unique legacy.

A key aspect of our work focused on the replacement and repair of various elements to ensure the long-lasting integrity of the campus. The copper balustrade, arcade, and gymnasium skylights were carefully addressed, with damaged sections being replaced and the overall structures restored to their original splendor. Additionally, the porch roof and flashing were skillfully repaired, ensuring their functionality and aesthetic appeal. 

To further preserve the campus, the parish house underwent localized roof repairs, while the arcade roof received a full replacement. The gymnasium skylight was reglazed, and gutters were relined for efficient drainage. As part of the restoration process, sandstone ledges were meticulously capped, enhancing their durability and protecting them from further deterioration. 

A significant focus of our restoration efforts was directed toward the wood windows, which were integral to the historic character of the campus. Through careful restoration techniques, we were able to revive and preserve many of the original wood windows. In cases where the wood sashes were beyond repair, we installed exact matches, maintaining the architectural authenticity of the campus.

The restoration of the Plymouth Church campus stands as a testament to our commitment to preserving historic landmarks. By combining our knowledge of restoration techniques and deep respect for the site's cultural significance, we were able to breathe new life into this cherished community treasure.