66 Jane Street
66 Jane St New York, NY 10014
Exterior Restoration
Hal Sears, 245 East 63rd St.
Originally built in 1849, 66 Jane Street is a four-story masonry building located within a designated Landmarks district. The mixed-use structure features ground-floor retail, a two-story apartment above, and a studio apartment on the top floor.
The restoration scope focused on preserving the building’s historic character while addressing necessary structural and façade repairs. Work included localized masonry rebuilding, repointing of the west and north façades, replacement of sills, lintels, and modillions, and restoration of architectural elements such as the cornice, fire escape, and window frames. Minor structural reinforcements were also made to ground-floor ceiling joists, the fire escape, and interior masonry walls.
Due to the building’s original two-wythe masonry exterior wall construction, interior shoring was implemented during construction to maintain structural integrity while sections of the façade were rebuilt. Salvaged brick was carefully cleaned and reintegrated alongside new masonry to seamlessly blend repairs with the historic fabric of the building.