FISP Cycle 9

Changes to FISP Cycle 9 Rules (1/23/2020)

Long-anticipated changes to the City’s Facade Inspection Safety Program (FISP) Cycle 9, which opens on February 21, 2020 have been promulgated. A link to the changes can be found here.

Among the many changes to the law are the following:

  • “Close-up” inspections (mostly scaffold drops) must be made at no more than 60’ intervals. Meaning that a 100’ street facade must be inspected on 2 drops. The use of drones does not eliminate this requirement.

  • A minimum of one probe must be opened per drop on cavity wall buildings. Inspections must specifically report on the condition of wall ties. This requirement is made for all odd cycles beginning with Cycle 9.

  • For six story buildings, if any wall of the building has a partial basement floor more than half above grade all walls of the building will be subject to inspection.

  • Fines will be imposed for failure to perform “safe with a repair and maintenance program” (SWARMP) repairs from a previous cycle. All other related fines have been increased.

  • The status of the building facade will have to be posted in the building lobby.

  • Minimum levels of experience have been increased for the Qualified Exterior Wall Inspector (QEWI). A requirement has been added that photographs of the QEWI performing the inspection must be provided.

We are happy to discuss these, and other, changes with you at any time. CTA can also perform webinars and in-office seminars for any of our managing agent clients, or any of our other clients who may find this helpful.

Major Changes Proposed to FISP Cycle 9 Rules (11/27/2019)

Long-anticipated changes to the City’s Facade Inspection Safety Program (FISP) have been issued for Cycle 9, which opens in February 2020. The changes will be presented for public comment on December 30th, 2019. A link to the proposed changes can be found here.

Among the many changes proposed are the following:

  • “Close-up” inspections (mostly scaffold drops) must be made at no more than 60’ intervals. Meaning that a 100’ street facade must be inspected on 2 drops.

  • A minimum of one probe must be opened per drop on cavity wall buildings. This requirement is made for all odd cycles beginning with Cycle 9.

  • Fines will be imposed for failure to perform “safe with a repair and maintenance program” (SWARMP) repairs from a previous cycle.

  • The status of the building facade will have to be posted in the building lobby.

  • Minimum levels of experience have been increased for the Qualified Exterior Wall Inspector (QEWI). A requirement has been added that photographs of the QEWI performing the inspection must be provided.

We are happy to discuss these, and other, proposed changes with you at any time. Once the changes become official CTA can also perform in office seminars for any of our managing agent clients, or any of our other clients who may find this helpful.

Lastly, we take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving and beginning of the holiday season.

FISP Cycle 9 Rules

Since the enactment of FISP in 1980 (Local Law 10), CTA Architects P.C. has prepared and filed the required examination reports for our clients.

The Facade Inspection Safety Program (FISP) – previously known as Local Law 11 – relates to buildings in New York City. It requires that owners of buildings with six or more stories above grade have their exterior walls and appurtenances inspected periodically – as set forth by the commissioner – but at least once every five years.

In the first six inspection cycles, from 1980 to 2007, the DOB required all buildings to file their facade inspection reports in the same two-year window. To reduce the inspection, filing, and processing load, the DOB began staggering the filing deadlines starting with the last (7th cycle) in 2010.

Buildings are grouped according to the last digit of their block number. For the 9th Cycle of inspections:

  • Block numbers ending in 4, 5, 6, or 9: 
    Reports must be filed between February 21, 2020 and February 21, 2022.

  • Block numbers ending in 0, 7, or 8: 
    Reports must be filed between February 21, 2021 and February 21, 2023.

  • Block numbers ending in 1, 2, or 3: 
    Reports must be filed between February 21, 2022 and February 21, 2024.

A Qualified Exterior Wall Inspector (QEWI), who must be a licensed Registered Architect or Professional Engineer, must conduct this inspection and submit an acceptable Report to the New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) summarizing the building’s conditions.

QEWI will rate as follows:

  • Safe: The façade has no problems and is in good condition

  • Safe with a Repair and Maintenance Program (SWARMP): The façade is safe, but requires repairs/maintenance.

  • Unsafe: The façade has problems/defects that pose a threat to safety.

If unsafe conditions are found during an inspection, owners must file the report as “Unsafe” and immediately install public safety measures, such as a sidewall shed, construction fence, etc. Unsafe conditions must be corrected within 90 days and an amended report filed with the Department of Building with 15 days of completing the repairs. In total, repairs must be corrected and an amended report filed within 105 days of the initial filing or appropriate extensions need to filed to provide time to complete the work.


New DOB Filing Changes


Non Destructive Facade Evaluation