General Chauncey M. Hooper Towers

10 West 138th Street, New York, NY



General Chauncey M. Hooper Towers Housing Development Fund Company, Inc.

Our moderate rehabilitation project at General Chauncey M. Hooper Towers in Harlem involved a range of upgrades to improve the building's functionality, accessibility, and aesthetic appeal. We worked on localized exterior restoration, including the replacement of the main and bulkhead roofs' waterproofing system, and a redesign of the main entrance and marquee. We also reconfigured accessible apartments to comply with UFAS standards and renovated bathrooms in the remaining units. Additionally, we replaced the main entrance doors, upgraded the automatic door opening and key fob system, and made upgrades to the electric, mechanical, plumbing, and sprinkler systems throughout the building. Our goal was to make General Chauncey M. Hooper Towers a safer, more comfortable, and more modern place to live for its residents.