CTA is now a Certified B Corporation

CTA Architects P.C. (CTA) was founded in 1987 and incorporated in New York State in 1993. Today, the firm is led by Partners Craig Tooman, Dan Allen, and Christa Waring, who hold licenses to practice in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, and Hawaii.

As an architecture firm committed to creating a better world for future generations, we strive to operate our business in a way that prioritizes sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical business practices. That's why we are proud to announce that we have earned our certification as a B Corporation.

As a B Corp, we are part of a global movement of companies that are dedicated to using their businesses as a force for good. This means that we meet the high standards of social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability.

Our portfolio of projects is deliberately diverse across a wide range of sectors, scales and complexities in both the public and private sectors. We believe that architecture has the power to transform communities, and we are committed to using our skills to create spaces that promote human well-being and environmental sustainability. We are continuously seeking ways to minimize our impact on the planet, promote social justice, and engage in ethical business practices.

We understand that our success is not just measured by our bottom line, but by the positive impact we have on the world. That's why we are committed to continuing our work as a B Corp, and using our business as a tool for positive change.

Being a B Corp

In April of 2023, we achieved B Corp certification. To our knowledge, we are the first architecture firm in New York State to earn this distinction, and we are proud to lead the way for others in the AEC industry to prioritize sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical business practices.
To gain B Corp certification, the 'B Impact Assessment’ tool is used to evaluate how a company’s business model impacts five categories: workers, community, environment, customers, and governance. B Corp Certification evaluates not only a product or service, but also the material positive impact of the company behind it. 

What is a B Corp score?

A B Corp score is a measurement of a company's performance on the B Impact Assessment, which is a comprehensive assessment tool used to evaluate a company's social and environmental impact, accountability, and transparency. The assessment covers a wide range of areas, including governance, workers, community, environment, and customers.

The B Corp score is based on a company's answers to the assessment questions and ranges from 0 to 200 points. A score of at least 80 points is required to become a Certified B Corporation, which is a designation for businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

The B Corp score is used to evaluate a company's overall performance and improvement over time, as well as to compare its performance with other B Corps. It is a useful tool for companies to assess their social and environmental impact and identify areas for improvement, as well as for investors and consumers to evaluate a company's commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

How did we do? 

To achieve B Corp certification, the company must score at least 80 points, CTA Architects P.C. earned an overall score of 90.0. The median score for ordinary businesses who complete the assessment is currently 50.9.

Our highest performance area is Governance–Governance evaluates a company's overall mission, engagement around its social/environmental impact, ethics, and transparency. This section also evaluates the ability of a company to protect its mission and formally consider stakeholders in decision-making through their corporate structure or corporate governing documents.

 At CTA, we’re committed to continuous improvement. In particular, we’re working to decarbonize our supply chain and use even more sustainable materials. Every day, we strive to amplify our mission and take responsibility for any of the negative impacts we have on the planet.

View our profile in the B Corp directory.

What are we focusing on now to improve our score? 

We are committed to continuing our efforts to reduce carbon emissions while prioritizing the health and well-being of our staff. Our goal for 2023 and beyond is to improve our processes and commitments in practice and design.

To achieve sustainable standards, we are revising our specifications to reduce embodied carbon and maximize efficiency in our projects. We are also partnering with educational institutions and working alongside our clients to provide options that consider quality, environmental impact, and budget. Our initiatives within CTA, both in-person and virtual, demonstrate our commitment to sustainability across six action areas. We hope to apply the lessons learned from our efforts to future challenges.

We aim to enhance our staff's well-being in all aspects and plan to increase participation in yoga classes, introduce a monthly meditation class, and offer midday physical activity options through flex hours. Additionally, we treat community impact and investment as critical to our mission. We have created an internal philanthropy committee that will host monthly volunteer outings in partnership with various organizations and continue to hold annual clothing drives for organizations that support local homeless populations.

We have also established goals related to our resources, aiming to develop a waste auditing system that accurately tracks and measures waste streams and reduces operational waste to landfill.

Regarding mobility and flexibility, we plan to increase Citi Bike annual memberships by 5% and evaluate new electronic developments that may benefit our staff and field operations.

Finally, as part of our social equity goals, we aim to continue engaging with local schools by offering work opportunities and education for design and related fields.Top of Form 

In addition to the aforementioned goals, we are revising our Sustainability Action Plan to focus on improving our score in the Environment section by creating more aggressive goals and targets going forward. While we have measured a baseline year of Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions using a carbon accounting platform aligned and backed by Greenhouse Gas Protocol accounting standards, that is only our first step. One major goal is to set specific carbon emission reduction targets relative to our baseline performance. Further, another overarching goal is to integrate environmental sustainability further into our design process. We hope to do this through encouraging staff to become LEED Green Associates, incorporating the integrative design process and charettes early into our design process, holding educational meetings to promote sustainable design with clients and building owners, and utilize energy models and renewable energy systems on site where applicable. We are also investigating carbon offsets and their accountability, and how we can implement them to mitigate a portion of our Scope 1 and 2 emissions. Other officewide practices we are continuing to work on aim to reduce chemical content in the products we purchase, such as ink. We hope to further improve our score in the Workers section as well, allowing for subordinate input during employee reviews.

Why does being a B Corp matter?

B Corps are an integral part of a movement that seeks to reshape the conventional definition of success in business. B Corps firmly believe that businesses should prioritize being a positive force for social and environmental good, and that profit should never come at the expense of people or the planet. By becoming a B Corp, companies are joining a community of like-minded organizations that are working towards a future that is both more sustainable and equitable. This affiliation allows companies to continuously monitor their performance and progress toward their goals, especially as they continue to expand and adapt.


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