the Retrofit Playbook

As a proud partner of the Retrofit Playbook for Large Buildings, CTA is excited to share the launch of this exciting new Playbook!

The Retrofit Playbook knowledge platform, developed by NYSERDA, Building Energy Exchange, RMI, and the Urban Land Institute serves as a comprehensive resource hub for building professionals looking to drive the strategic decarbonization of large buildings. The Playbook hosts a suite of resources for high-rise commercial and residential buildings, including case studies, technical guides, assessment tools, and other educational materials, all geared toward supporting building owners and operators, solution providers, as well as design and engineering teams.

An important part of this Playbook is the showcasing of innovative decarbonization strategies, like ours at 439 West 125th Street. This new venture places CTA at the forefront of urban transformation. We are honored to have been competitively selected as part of the third cohort of Empire Building Challenge partners. Previously, NYSERDA awarded six design contracts under RetrofitNY’s High-Performance Retrofit Solutions pilot program in 2018. This program, launched by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, aims to develop standardized, scalable, deep energy-efficient retrofit solutions to be replicated across the housing industry, supporting the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2030.

CTA Architects, along with the Levy Partnership, McLaren Engineering, Peterson Engineering Group, and M2 Builders, is thrilled to be part of one of the six design teams working with ECDO and Joint Ownership Entity (JOE) NYC on this six-story, 21-unit building in Harlem. Together, we can transition the industry away from its current business-as-usual practices and make low-carbon, energy efficient design and operations the new normal. 


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