Prospect Cemetery

94-14 159th Street, Jamaica, NY

Historic Preservation

New York City Parks Department Olmstead Center

Prospect Cemetery in Jamaica, New York is the oldest family burial ground in Queens, established in 1668 and enriched by the addition of a chapel in 1857. Recognized as a New York City Landmark in 1977, the cemetery faced neglect following the final interment in 1988.

A collaborative effort between CTA Architects P.C. and DLANDstudio sought to revive and restore the cemetery grounds, which were once overrun by vines and weeds, causing damage to numerous headstones and rendering the area inaccessible. The restoration involved weed eradication, tree pruning, and debris clearance, followed by seeding of low-growing grass species to minimize the need for frequent mowing and protect the grave markers from further harm.

CTA took charge of a sample conservation program dedicated to treating historically significant grave markers and setting an example for future conservation initiatives. Through advanced conservation techniques, markers were capped and securely reattached. Additionally, a comprehensive geographic information system (GIS) survey spanned two years to document the precise location, content, and condition of all markers, fencing, and family plot boundaries. This meticulously compiled database, complete with photographs of over 2,000 markers, enables easy access to essential information for preservation and research purposes.